Two By Two Veterinary Centre in partnership with education publisher Twinkl have worked to produce resources to help children learn about the veterinary profession. We are proud of our collaboration and of the high quality educational content we have produced together for primary aged children.

These innovative digital resources are aimed at teachers to educate children about veterinary surgeons and animals, and can be used by parents too.

Did you know that ‘Vet’ is the 3rd most popular occupation answer from children, to the question ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’. Did anyone give this answer when asked as a child? If you’ve got an aspiring veterinarian at home or are a teacher, help them learn what being a vet is all about and take a look at our resources.

Video: Interview with Two By Two Veterinary Centre

We have made the pdfs available for FREE DOWNLOAD below. Click on the links below to download.

Vet practice colouring sheet

What happens during a vet visit? A step-by-step guide to your appointment

My vet visit activity sheet

How do vets diagnose animals?

Dr Andrew Monchar, vet profile

Dr Suzie Jaderberg, vet profile

Daily News Room Interview with Two By Two Vets and question sheet (age 7-11) Doctor Monchar is a vet in London who has answered questions about what it is like being a vet. Here, he shares his experiences and insights from the veterinary world.

Jobs in a vet clinic

Types of vets poster