You may obtain Prescription Only Medicines, Category V (POM-Vs) for your pet from your Veterinary Surgeon. You may choose to receive a written prescription for pets.

Due to regulations introduced by The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), these medications require a Veterinary Surgeon to give a physical examination for a pet under their care at the time of prescription.The general policy of this practice is to re-assess an animal requiring repeat prescriptions every six months, but this may vary with individual circumstances and frequency of re-assessment is ultimately the decision of the veterinary surgeon.

You will be informed, on request, of the price of any medicine that may be dispensed for your animal.

Upon request, you may choose to receive a written prescription for pets under the care of Two By Two Veterinary Centre. You can either collect a printed written prescription, or request for the prescription to be emailed to a pharmacy of your choice. A written prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an in-patient or immediate treatment is necessary.

The timescales from requesting to receiving medication and written prescriptions are below:

  • If requested Monday – Thursday BEFORE noon, will be ready following day from noon.
  • If requested Monday – Thursday AFTER noon, will be ready two days later from noon.
  • If requested on Friday BEFORE noon, will be ready on Monday from noon.
  • If requested on Friday AFTER noon, will be ready on Tuesday from noon.
  • If requested on Sunday 10am–2pm, will be ready on Tuesday from noon.

Caution is prudent when sourcing drugs from online retailers and Two By Two Veterinary Centre recommend you use either a GPhC Registered Internet Pharmacy or a VMD Accredited Internet Retailer.

There is a charge for a written prescription of £25.00 for the first item and £20 for each subsequent item prescribed (as of 1 January 2025). This must be paid before the printed paper is collected, or emailed to an online pharmacy.