Monday - Friday 9am - 7pm
Sunday 10am - 2pm
178-180 Long Lane, Finchley, London, N3 2RA
178-180 Long Lane, Finchley, London, N3 2RA

Free vet healthcheck for new puppies, kittens and rabbit kits

Red new puppy, kitten and bunny on a white background.

Two By Two Veterinary Centre offers free healthchecks for new puppies, kittens and rabbit kits. We invite you to come in as soon as you have bought or adopted your new pet.


Blog – 5 Top Tips For Feeding Pet Rabbits

Feeding pet rabbits appropriately - dwarf rabbit in long grass

Vets are often presented with rabbits that have a variety of illnesses due to the long-term feeding of an inappropriate diet. (more…)